Mega Code Archive

1) Android
2) ASP.Net
3) ASP.Net Tutorial
4) C
5) C Tutorial
6) C#
7) C# Book
8) C# by API
9) C# Tutorial
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11) C++ Tutorial
12) Delphi
13) Flash ActionScript
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16) Java Book
17) Java by API
18) Java Tutorial
19) JavaScript DHTML
20) JavaScript Reference
21) JavaScript Tutorial
22) MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
23) MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
24) MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
26) MSSQL Tutorial
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28) MySQL Tutorial
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30) Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
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35) Python Tutorial
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39) VB.Net by API
40) VB.Net Tutorial
41) Visual C++ .NET
42) VisualBasic Script
43) XML
44) XML Tutorial
Flash ActionScript
1) Animation
2) Array
3) Class
4) Data Type
5) Development
6) Function
7) Graphics
8) Language
9) Network
10) Regular Expressions
11) Statement
12) String
13) TextField
14) XML
1) @ operator has the attribute() and attributes() methods for accessing attributes by name or as an XML list respectively
2) A comparison between an XML instance and an XMLList with only one XML instance is treated as a direct comparison between the two XML i
3) A list of employees whose ID number is 238
4) A method form of this operator called descendants() This function behaves the same way as the double dot
5) A simple technique to convert the string false to a Boolean false is to use the toLowerCase( ) method and compare the value with the s
6) Access an elements attributes using E4X attributes wildcard (@)
7) Access child nodes using E4Xs more convenient properties wildcard ()
8) Access the content of a text node as a String, not an XML instance
9) Access XML elements by index
10) Accesses first attribute by using E4Xs attributes wildcard syntax
11) Accessing Ancestors
12) Accessing Attributes and Elements Whose Names Contain Reserved Characters
13) Accessing Comments and Processing Instructions
14) Accessing Descendants
15) Accessing Parent Nodes
16) Accessing Sibling Nodes
17) Accessing Text Nodes
18) Accessing Values with E4X
19) Add a new child to the end of the existing xml data
20) Adding a new child after a specific existing child
21) Adding a new child after all existing children
22) Adding a new child before a specific existing child
23) Adding Attributes to an XML Element
24) Adding New Attributes and Elements
25) Adding Text Nodes to an XML Object
26) After the replacement, the two PASSWORD elements have the same content
27) All of these settings can be accessed as a group with the settings() static method
28) An element is equal to an XML attribute if the element contains no child and the text contained by the element matches the attribute v
29) An element is equal to an XML instance representing a text node if the element contains no child elements, and the text it contains ma
30) AppendChild to XML value
31) As an alternative to the insertChildAfter( ) approach (1)
32) As an alternative to the insertChildAfter( ) approach (2)
33) As with element and attribute names, we can use the properties wildcard () with namespaces
34) Assign the desired attributes the desired values
35) Assign XML element value
36) Assigning Values to an XMLList
37) Attribute parent() returns the element on which the attribute is defined
38) Attributes in an XMLList can be accessed using the array-access operator ([])
39) Bracket syntax is required for illegal property name
40) Build a property name and, consequently, an element name, dynamically
41) By default, E4X ignores whitespace nodes when comparing XML for Equality
42) Change is made to the original document
43) Change the elements value
44) Changing an Attribute Value
45) Changing the Contents of an Element
46) Character can be used to delimit an attribute value in an XML literal, it is converted to the character
47) Compare two xml variable
48) Content of an element can be changed using setChildren( )
49) Converting an Attribute to a String
50) Converting an XML Element to a String
51) Converting Comments and Processing-Instructions to Strings
52) Converting Strings to XML
53) Converting XML to Strings
54) Converting XMLList to a String
55) Copy() method creates a duplicate of the original XML object so that it can be passed by value rather than reference
56) Create a namespace
57) Create a new element by creating a property on the XML instance and assigning it a value
58) Create a reference to the default Namespace using the Namespace constructor
59) Create Date object from xml data
60) Create the XML structure with a string
61) Creates a variable refering to xml data child nodes
62) Creates the same XML hierarchy and dynamically specifies all element names, attribute names, attribute values, and element contents.tx
63) Creating an XML Object
64) Creating Namespace-Qualified Elements and Attributes
65) Delete all attributes of an element
66) Delete all children contained by an element
67) Deleting Elements and Attributes
68) Descendants matches tags with the same name on different levels
69) Determining the Type of Content in a Node
70) Difference between toString and toXMLString
71) Do the conversion for the Number type (instead of explicitly using Number( ))
72) Example normalize()
73) Filtering XML Data
74) Find data nested deep within an XML tree
75) Finding Elements by Name
76) Finding Node Types
77) Formatting XML content with a style sheet
78) Get and set the xml tag value
79) Get prefix and uri from a namespace
80) Get previous Sibling from a giving xml data
81) Get tag child
82) Get the first child in a list of child nodes
83) Get the last child in a list of child nodes
84) Get the next sibling from a giving xml data
85) Get xml namespace
86) If the XML object in question contains only a single node only the text value of the node will be returned
87) Invoke string method on XML data
88) Invoke XML methods with any XML object
89) Invoking parent( ) on an XMLList with a single XML instance is identical to invoking parent( ) on that instance itself
90) Iterating through the Children of an Element
91) Look index of a child node up using childIndex()
92) Namespace objects return their URI value by default when the toString() method is used
93) Namespace with prefix
94) Normalizing Text Nodes
95) PrependChild, insertChildAfter, insertChildBefore
96) Printing Pretty
97) Processing XML with for-each-in and for-in
98) Pull all of the attributes from the entire XML document
99) Reading Elements in an XML Tree
100) Reading Text Nodes and Their Values
101) Reference third level tag value
102) Remove all attributes from the movie Tron
103) Removes one element from its parent element
104) Removing Elements, Text Nodes, and Attributes
105) Removing XML Nodes
106) Replace the element of one xml data with the PASSWORD element of another
107) Replacing Values in XML Nodes
108) Retrieve a list of employees hired in the year 2004
109) Retrieve an XMLList representing the elements children, and then invoke parent( ) on that list
110) Retrieve an XMLList with the two text nodes
111) Returns a list of employees with a salary between $35,000 and $50,000
112) Returns a list of employees with a salary less than or equal to $35,000
113) Returns a list of the designers in the company
114) Returns all child elements of BOOK named AUTHOR
115) Returns an XMLList that contains one XML instance
116) Returns an XMLList that contains one XML instance, representing the attribute, with variable-access syntax
117) Returns the root of an XML hierarchy, relative to a given child
118) Search for elements only while ignoring text nodes, comments, and processing directives, use elements()
119) Searching XML
120) Set attribute values
121) Setting Options for the XML Class
122) Setting the Number of Spaces per Indentation
123) Text( ) method should be used to return only the text nodes of an element
124) The content of an element can be changed using the XML classs instance method replace( )
125) The delete operator works for other types of nodes as well, such as attributes
126) The double-dot operator works for any level of nesting
127) The toXMLString() method always return the full XML tag and all values contained within an element
128) To access a specific child in an XMLList
129) To access all of the attributes for a tag, you can use an asterisk
130) To access an elements attributes
131) To access text nodes with the array-element access operator
132) To access the XML instance contained by the XMLList returned by novel @ISBN
133) To access the XMLList representing child nodes, use the XML classs instance method children( )
134) To delete all the items in the XMLList, use a for loop and iterate over the items in reverse order
135) To loop over all of the attributes of an element, use a for each loop
136) To not to ignore whitespace nodes prior to parsing
137) To obtain an XMLList representing all comments and processing instructions within an entire XML tree
138) To place the text nodes from each of those children into an XMLList
139) To replace an XML element with new elements, we assign either an XMLList or XML object to that element
140) Treating XMLList as XML
141) Tree traversal
142) Trying to convert a mixed element into a string results in a formatted XML string as output
143) Two Namespace objects are considered equal if, and only if, they have the same namespace name, regardless of their prefix
144) Two QName instances are considered equal if their namespace name and local names both match
145) Understanding the XML Classes
146) Unusual behavior can be used to collect a group of attributes into a single attribute
147) Update xml data by using the dynamic property
148) Use a variables value as the element name to find
149) Use a wildcard () with the @ operator to access all attributes of an element
150) Use appendChild method to add new child to the end of existing xml data
151) Use bracket notation, coupled with an integer, to access a particular element node
152) Use bracket to access an attribute by name, or when the attribute name contains characters not allowed in variable names
153) Use E4X to dot down to the particular element node, and then use the @ operator followed by the attributes name to access its value.tx
154) Use E4X to total the prices of all of the elements with a price attribute
155) Use for each loop to access the attributes
156) Use for loop to go through the xml data
157) Use insertChildBefore( ) and insertChildAfter( ) to modify an XML tree
158) Use regular repression to filter tag value
159) Use replace() to replace a single node with a new XML object
160) Use the comments() method or the processingInstructions() method to get XMLLists
161) Use the defaultSettings() object to reset an individual flag, ignoreWhitespace, and then reset all the settings to their defaults usin
162) Use the dot operator ( ) on the XML instance and add the element
163) Use the for in or for each in statements to iterate through an XMLList
164) Use the length( ) method to count the number of elements found
165) Use the name( ) method on the attribute reference to retrieve its name
166) Use the namespaceDelarations() method to return an Array of all the namespaces defined for a given element
167) Use the properties wildcard
168) Use wild card and index to change the xml data value
169) User2 PASSWORD[0]); Displays
170) Using + and += Operators to combine XML Nodes
171) Using child(), you can search the element for any children with a given name
172) Using Expressions within Literals
173) Using the
174) Using the Descendant Accessor ( ) to make a deep dive to the data without worrying about the path
175) Using XML Methods to Combine Values
176) Working with Namespaces in ActionScript
177) Working with XML Namespaces
178) Write new values to the XML
179) XML Equality
180) XML text in a String into an actual XML object, whereas a cast would fail
181) You can also use the children() method to get a child by index rather than node name